Wednesday, May 15, 2013

JCICS Conference May 20 - 22, 2013

joint council logo

Gladney’s New York Office staff will be attending the Joint Council’s (JCICS) 37th Annual Child Welfare Symposium. They will join over 200 leading professionals, researchers, and advocates in the field of child welfare, orphan care and adoption to learn about and discuss topics relating to child welfare and adoption.
Mary Chapman, Asia Programs Caseworker is enthused about attending the conference, “I am excited to meet with Martha Osborn, the founder of Rainbow Kids, as we’ve worked together over the last couple of years advocating for waiting children.  She always has great ideas about how to get the word out about the precious kids that are waiting for families!”
Over the course of three days, there will be numerous workshops to address the needs of children in Haiti, India, Ethiopia and China, as well as financial organizational empowerment, medical and nutritional issues, orphan care issues, and intercountry curricula. More information on these workshops can be found here. For more information about JCICS, please visit

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