Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Superkids Charity - A BIG part of Gladney's Asia Program

Superkids Charity, what is it and how did it begin? Pat Marcus describes how this amazing initiative got its start and how she became involved.
Pat with Edna Gladney at Shanghai Children's Home

"Superkids Charity was founded in 2006 by a Gladney mom, Janet Fink.  Janet wanted to give back to the orphanage that took such good care of her daughter. I have been an integral part of Superkids as the first professional to join the team. In direct collaboration with Gongzhan Wu, Vice President and Managing Director of Gladney's Asia Programs, we took our first trip to China in 2007. We have made nine trips to Asia since then. Our volunteers include physical therapists, speech therapists, and medical doctors.

The first orphanage we visited was the Shanghai Children's Home. We have now visited six provinces and assisted orphanages with many different objectives including increased focus on opportunities for gross motor skill development, and specialized attention to speech and feeding issues. We train caregivers and work with rehabilitation staff. During our visits we are able to evaluate children and provide information to waiting adoptive parents. Importantly, Superkids also provides care and comfort to children who may not find their forever families."
- Pat Marcus 
Click here to learn more about the Superkids Charity and read the blog.

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